Dear Linkqlo users, have you tried out our latest release v1.5 yet? We’re introducing a completely revamped process of adding and editing photos that shall help you create much better looking posts. Image filters? Checked. Resizing into square images? Checked. Selecting multiple images at once? Checked.
It’s been a while since our last update on Private Post, Edit Post, and Single-Column What’s New. The good news is that we have released 5 new versions since early February and are seeing exciting growth in new users and high-quality content. The bad news is that our product iteration has vastly outpaced our newsletter writing. It’s time to bring balance back to The Force. Let me catch you up with what’s new in Linkqlo in the last three months, and highlight several new features that will help you discover Better Style and Fit for Every Size for Everyone.
I know times are changing
It’s time we all reach out
For something new, that means you too“Purple Rain”, Prince
Do you like this new release? If you do, please leave us a review on App Store! It won’t take more than 2 minutes.
Image Editing (v1.5)
At last, upon popular request, we’re introducing 12 image filters to Linkqlo. You’ll find many usual suspects here, such as Vignette, Instant, Process, Sepia, Mono, etc. We’ll create more fashion-themed Linkqlo proprietary filters later on (hello, Tiffany). Let us know your favorite fashion color palette!
Besides adding filters, you can also adjust image settings in Brightness, Contrast and Saturation.
Before v1.5, many users reported that they had to use third party apps (for example, Squaready) to resize photos. You can now do that directly in Linkqlo. The same goes for rotating photos. Check out the two control buttons in the middle section.
Dan, one of our earliest users requested a function to select multiple photos at once. We have answered the call. Here you go Dan. Thank you and please keep them coming! Give us a shoutout at
New Discover Page (v1.4)
We rebuilt Discover page completely in v1.4. You can now discover interesting and relevant content much more easily either through a robust Search Bar or from carousel-styled lists of Trending Hashtags, Trending Users, Trending Posts, Brands, and Clothing Types.
Click the various lists to find out what others are wearing. Discover better fitting styles from users of high Body Measurement Score (“BMS”) to you.
Trending Hashtags
Page for hashtag #bomberjacket
Trending Users
Trending Posts
Better Engagement
- You can use Find My Friends (on My Profile) to see which friends from your iPhone contacts are also on Linkqlo
- Share Linkqlo app to your friends and families with a simple click of Invite Your Friends link (My Profile)
- Brands button is now clickable in Fitting Report and will lead you to the Brand page
- Use stylized and shortened URL in your post caption or comment to share web page link of your purchase
- Remove constraint in Post Edit. You can now edit anything you like in a post.
Better Performance
- Pagination is implemented on most list views for faster loading speed
- Asynchronization is enabled on many screens for faster UX flow
- Improve scrolling speed of Discover and What’s New
More Dead Bugs
We have killed more bugs than needed for the casting call of Starship Troopers: 3. Oh ya.
Please help us grow by forwarding this email to your colleagues, friends, and families who are either aspiring online influencers, or cautionary shoppers, or rational consumers.
There are only two things that will last forever, before Elon Musk lands on Mars:
App Store Review
Don’t procrastinate. Do it now. Thank you for your review!
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